Yad Hashmona Volunteer Opportunities


Yad Hashmona is looking for volunteers!

For those that may not know, Israel has a program that allows people from all over the world to volunteer throughout the land. Yad Hashmona participates in this program - and I cannot recommend it enough!

I volunteered for six months at the Yad in 2007-08. It remains one the most formative and life-changing events of my life. Not only did I get to live in Israel (a dream!) and experience the culture on a much deeper, more "real" level, but I also met believers from all over the world and connected with Israeli believers. There are friendships from that time that I still have today.  

It's important to state that volunteering does mean work. (Unfortunately, that's not always quite understood.) But that work is balanced with numerous other opportunities, such as monthly volunteer trips led by tour guides at the moshav. Not to mention simply having the ability to explore Israel on your own on your days off!

For more information, check out the video below!

Michelle NippComment