The Nativity Story


It's nearly Christmas. And, while I love this time of year, it can be so easy to get swept up in all the hustle-and-bustle of the frantic holiday season.

Which is why this  movie is always (and I do mean always) on my to-watch list. Not only is it visually stunning, it beautifully portrays the birth of Messiah in a way that moves and inspires me. More importantly, it beckons me to remember the greatest gift I'll ever receive has already been given.

For those who have traveled to Israel, it will hearken memories of that wonderful place. For those who have not, it will give you a glorious glimpse!

As you watch, I pray you will be touched, not simply by the imagery of the film but the reality of the Father's love and the Son's sacrifice. Truly, we have each been given a marvelous gift... 

Baruch HaShem,


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